ELICSIR project is aimed at significant strengthening of the research and innovation capacity of the Faculty of
Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, Serbia (EF-UNINIS), in the field of electronic instrumentation for radiation
environments, namely radiation dosimetry and design of radiation hard electronics.
This will be accomplished
through establishing the links between EF-UNINIS with three renowned research institutions from the EU having
complementary scientific profiles and broad expertise in radiation effects research: Tyndall National Institute (TYN)
from Ireland, IHP GmbH (IHP) from Germany, and University of Granada (UGR) from Spain.
To accomplish the objectives of the Widespread call, the work plan will be based on a set of coherent actions:
- scientific and transferable skills training through short-term staff exchanges, organisation of summer/winter schools, attendance to specialised courses and joint experiments, with a particular emphasis to training of early stage researchers;
- setting up conditions and strategies for joint collaboration after the project, commercialisation of acquired knowledge and establishment of links with a wide range of stakeholders;
- networking and knowledge transfer on local, regional and European level through organisation of workshops, conference sessions and a symposium, linking with related projects and joint visits to distinguished research labs;
- dissemination of project results targeting wide scientific community;
- outreach activities for raising the consciousness of the general public in relation to significance of the proposed research;
- enhancement of the educational potential through curricula upgrade and knowledge transfer to MSc and PhD students.